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Bullet Journal Method Book Review

Categories: [Self Improvement]
Tags: [books], [journaling], [ideas], [review]

After starting to Bullet Journal for better clarity and organization, many questions pop up about how and why; this book answers them all. Honestly, it is hard to put down this book. The writing style flows so well, the ideas and concepts are not stuffed with technical terms (outside of Bullet Journal jargon), and it gives the reader a base to follow.

Throughout the book Ryder Carrol gives small exercises to help make the most out of a new Bullet Journal; something I am getting ready to set up for the new year. Everything he asks of the reader is practical and easy to follow but at the same time forces us to think about our future and where how we want to shape life going forward.

Even though I am coming up on my third year using Ryder's Bullet Journal system, I am still learning a lot from this book. It's reminding me to keep it simple, something I was not doing at the start because I thought I could optimize it for me. While Ryder encourages the reader to take the system and make it their own, I have found that I never really started with the base system he outlines.

About two months before I got this book I chose to strip away all the fills in my Bullet Journal and only use the system that is taught on the official Bullet Journal website. I noticed in a moment before that move that I was not using the journal at all and the conclusion was that I was too lazy to sit down and draw out the lines.

I was not even fancy like all the art you see on Instagram. PS: That is why I don't ever look at #BuJo or #BulletJournal...

There was at least a month where I did nothing in the journal even though it helps me stay on task and more organized than without. This same thing happened in my first year of journaling. The past two months have been the base system with no frills, and I like it even better now that I did when I was customizing the journal.

It's fast, efficient, and easy to use.

And we all know I'm a sucker for efficiency. (ha! NERD!)

All that being said, this book is taking what I already know and adding lays to the system that I never thought about. Not layer of complexity, like lines or drawing, but layers of introspection. With stories from other Bullet Journal users where this system has been a life saver, in one account it was all due to a mother's Bullet Journal that her son is still alive today.

This book is practical, moving, and insightful; I can't say I've read any other book like it so far.

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