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How To Get a Programming Job Without Experience

Categories: [Technology], [How To]

How To Get a Programming Job Without Experience

… Even if You Only Have Only Written Code for 6 Months

(Exact Steps Below on How To Stand Out in the Sea of Programmers)

I was running out of time...

My wife was 7 months pregnet...

... and I was working a dead end job that I hated.

I started coding 14 year prior...

... but could not even get an interview for a coding job.

And I needed one bad!

With my first son on the way we needed more money

... and a coding job would provide the income.

But I saw missing some crucial elements to stand out against my competition.

So I changed up my approach...

And you should too!

Because the majority of programmers out there are not doing what I'm about to tell you...

When you do...

This stuff works because it's not about coding. It's "code marketing" and makes a huge difference.

Here's how to get a programming job with no experience:

1. Create Unique Programs & Applications

Creating "cookie cutter" applications is the fastest way to blend in...

What you need is to create 3 to 5 applications that are unique to you.

This will show you know how to solve problems and not just follow instructions... which is what the majority of companies want.

Also, when you have unique personal projects... you'll be more enthusiastic when asked about them. This excitment that you'll express will show the hiring manager that you're passionate.

2. Optimize Your Resume

Once you have some projects that are as unique as you... it's time to overhaul that resume. Again, the majority of programmers are doing this wrong.

So here are some quick tips to make your resume stand out:

3. Amp-Up Your LinkedIn Profile

When your LinkedIn profile is top-notch... you'll get recuriters messaging you daily with new job opertunities.

The more you apply the more chances you have in getting a job.

The plus side of working with a recuriter is that they have an interest in getting you a job... since their own income depends on it.

Side note: if a "recruiter" on LinkedIn has no photo and/or an empty profile... skip them... they are likely trying to get your information for their own benefit.

Here on some tips to make your LinkedIn profile standout:

All that being said...

... what you need is direction on how to market yourself

... not more coding practice.

I know that sounds weird and goes agains what all the "gurus" are saying.

But, it's true... you need to master your self-marketing once you know how to code.

Because your code itself is not enough to stand out againt everyone else trying to get a coding job.

For more tips, tricks, and resources... join the Code Foundry email newsletter at https://codefoundry.email

And get your hands on the 3 biggest mistakes new programmers make on their resume.