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This Tech Lover's Daily Carry

Categories: [Personal]
Tags: [gear]

So you may be able to guess some of the thing a guy like me carries around with him everywhere he goes, but I'm confident at least one thing on this list will surprise you. It will probably be different for many of you, so please leave a comment below telling everyone what you least expected to find in my bag.

Every day I have my old black Jansport backpack on my shoulders as I walk to and from my office. This pack holds everything I may need for the day to fill my sporadic and nerdy ideas. If I leave home for more than an evening, you'll find this backpack no to far from reach.

What you got in that bag?!

Accessories Pouch

This little pouch is a must for anyone who carries around cables, USB drives, and any other small technology related item. I use the ProCase Travel Gear Organizer that I found on Amazon almost a year ago. It has three zippered sections, strapped holders for cords, and pouches for basically anything.

Inside this pouch I hold the following items:

As time goes on, I move items in and out of this pouch as seems needed for my everyday life. That does not mean that I use all of these things daily but just that I may need them. This pouch came in handy when traveling to Philadelphia and the hotel WiFi was complete garbage. All I had to do was wipe out my Ethernet cable, and I was surfing the net at full speed.

Outside the daily carry accessory pouch

The rest of the bag is full of other items that don't fit in the pouch or do not fit the theme of tech accessories enough for me to place them there (I know, a bit anal).

Leuchtturm1917 Medium Hardcover Notebook

I love this notebook! It is my central hub for all things planning, writing, and brainstorming. While all my tech friends are using their phones to keep track of their life, I find it much better for me to write it all down.

This medium size is a standard A5 size notebook which makes it big enough to lay flat but not so large that it is hard to carry around. I also have some smaller pocket size notebooks coming in the mail to take quick notes when I am away from this primary journal.

Lamy Safari Fountain Pen

Nothing writes like a fountain pen. Enough said.

Rode VideoMic Me

I carry this with me, so I have a good microphone on hand for podcasting via Anchor or a video call when needed. This mic blew me away once I heard the quality and anyone using their mobile device to record audio or video should look into picking this up.

Pocket King James Bible form Local Church Bible Publishers

When you have faith, there is no reason to leave home without the word of God.

The Knobble II Massage Tool

I get these knots in my neck just under the skull for one reason or another, and they are a giant pain to deal with. They create headaches that so terrible I had to leave work early several times in the past year. Luckily I found this little tool which allows me to work out those pesky knots and relieve myself of a headache.

Odds, ends, and sometime carries